A Touch of Fire (Meridian Island Book 1) Page 8
I look over at Nick who’s looking down at the counter then look back at the other men but no one’s meeting my eyes. Okay. Sore subject.
“Really?” I ask in mock surprise. “I thought you were a sloth. You never made it back with my food yesterday,” I say pointing at Michael. The guys burst into laughter and Nick cracks a little smile too.
“And you,” I turn Logan. “Did someone finally clean the glass from the floor?” I ask only mildly curious.
I really shouldn’t have thrown that vase but then then the tension in the room was too much it felt like a physical being choking the life out of me. He grumbles something under his breath going red in the face and I turn to Charlie but I don’t say anything. I just stare at him propping my head on my hand. He fingers start tapping nervously on the counter.
“I got distracted okay, I’m sorry,” he finally cracks his voice high pitched.
“Hmmm, I didn’t say anything but it’s okay. I just assumed you had to travel to Somalia and wait in line for a glass of water and when it was finally your turn the water supply was finished so you had to wait till today to go back,” I shrug nonchalantly.
The guys rib him for a while and I lift my eyes to Nick but he’s already watching me, his expression one of gratitude. I smile in return and turn back to the guys.
“I’m disappointed though, I just thought you guys would be something much more cooler,” I mumble with a disappointed sigh.
“Yeah, like what?” Charlie ask popping a grape into his mouth.
“She’s probably thinking a wolf,” Logan smiles knowingly.
“No. I was thinking more of a…um...uh... a rodent,” I almost laugh at their expressions but I manage to keep a straight face. They blink staring at me like I didn’t just say what I did.
“Like a rat,” I clarify.
I couldn’t hold it anymore and I burst out laughing at the horrified look on their faces. It’s so easy to mess with these guys. Nick shakes his head at me a smile teasing at his lips and head upstairs. The rest of the guys say their goodbyes and hurried out the door like their asses are on fire. I couldn’t stop laughing. I wipe at the tears on face with the back of my hand and head upstairs to take a shower.
“Oomph,” I rub at my forehead with a grimace and look up.
“Are you okay?” Nick asks worriedly.
Then his lips are on mine. I tense in surprise and then relax giving myself over to the feelings he evokes in me. The kiss goes on for a while and I pull my lips away to breathe in some much needed air, our lips still brushing softly. He buries his face in my neck and just rest his nose against my skin and we stay like that for a while.
“Are you okay?” I ask quietly, my stomach knotting painfully when a shudder wrack his frame.
He pulls his face out of my neck, his face set in a glower. “No, I’m not. I was scared something had happened to you. I’m sorry I sent you to that room when you wanted to stay in mine. We’ll move your stuff into my room so I can keep a much better eye on you. I already cleared some drawers and made room for you.”
“You didn’t force me to sleep in the other room last night. I insisted, remember? I just wanted some space to think about everything I was told,” I say feeling guilty that he’s blaming himself for what happened.
I look at his face worriedly and he lets out a shuddery breath burying his face in my neck again. The warm gust of air leaving his mouth make chills break out on my skin.
“Hey, don’t worry about it. I’m right here. I probably didn’t hear you maybe that’s why I didn’t wake up,” I say trying to convince myself too that that’s why I didn’t wake up when he called because if it’s anything else, I’m not sure if I can handle it.
“You didn’t hear me? I’ve been trying to wake you since dawn broke and it noon now,” his voice finishes on a much louder note and I wince.
Something is definitely wrong with me but I quickly push the thought out of my head because I can’t deal with this today.
Music suddenly blares through the whole house and I jump in surprise. Damn, what kind of idiot plays music that loud at noon when someone is probably trying to take a nap or trying to relax? A little annoyed sound leaves me and Nick pulls his face away from my neck, a puzzled frown on his face.
Realization dawns on his face and he breathes out a defeated sigh. “It has started already.”
“What? What’s started already?”
“The festival.”
“Festival? Well, a heads up would’ve been nice,” I mutter rubbing at my ears in annoyance.
“Sorry that’s my fault. It started yesterday. It happens once every year and all supernaturals all over the world come to the island to celebrate. It’s a week long thing,” he explains.
Oh. So it’s like ‘Hogbetsotso' and “Godigbeza”. No ‘Godigbeza' only lasts for one day but it sure as hell is still entertaining as hell. I nod in understanding. He steps away from me and heads back into his bedroom. I follow close on his heels excitement rushing through my veins about learning something familiar to what I used to enjoy back home.
“Tell me, what’s this festival like?” I ask excitedly leaning against the doorjamb.
“Well there are a bunch of activities to keep everyone happy. The hounds racing, the challenges and of course the fight for alpha claim on the final night.” He steps into the closet and comes back with some clothes.
He pulls his shirt over his head and I just about swallowed my tongue. Damn. My eyes trail all over his body but it keeps coming back to the hair on his chest.
The one that tapers off into his pants. A loud throat clearing makes my eyes fly back to his face. He raises a brow at me obviously checking out his body.
What? It’s not my fault. Any red-blooded woman wouldn’t be able to resist looking at him. I shrug and his expression changes to one of bewilderment. He shakes his head at me and pulls a plain black t-shirt over his head. I’m a little disappointed.
“The challenges? What’s that?” I ask my mind stuck on that.
“Well there are three challenges. There’s the one for females only. It happens in the arena in the middle of the forest. One female volunteers, gets in the ring and mentions the name of whoever she wants to challenge and that person is obligated to face her. When you get called, there’s no way you’re getting out of it.”
“Women are messed up.” His eyes fly up to my face at my words and he gets this look on his face like he can’t figure me out. You and me both, buddy.
“Yeah. You should see it. These women are vicious,” he fakes a shudder and I couldn’t help but laugh.
“The other two challenges?” I ask my interest thoroughly piqued.
“Well there’s the mate challenge and the singing challenge,” he says absently going back into the closet. I move further into the room and sit on the gigantic bed.
“The mate challenge, is it when two men fight over one woman?” I ask. “Or two women fighting over one man?”
“People still do that?” I ask in surprise.
“I know right?” he says from the doorway before disappearing back into the closet.
“I thought you guys were all about destined mates or soulmates or fated ones and all that bullshit?”
“It’s not bullshit and only a few lucky ones are given the gift of finding our fated mates. It’s an honor,” he yells from somewhere in the closet.
“Geez, relax King Kong. I was just saying.”
“Sorry I didn’t mean to snap at you.”
“It’s fine.”
“The singing challenge is more for fun and the three bottles of 300 years old malt whiskey that nobody has ever won before,” he says wistfully. What is it with men and whiskey?
It’s just alcohol.
“I’m guessing you want that whiskey?”
“Want doesn’t even begin to describe it,” he whispers darkly and comes to stand in the doorway again.
“Okay,” I say cautiously at the look on his face.
“Why don’t you sing for it then?” I ask curiously after a moment of silent when he seems to be lost in his head. The guy is obviously talented at everything he does. There’s no doubt he’d win if he tried.
“Ha!” he laughs loudly. “Screeching cats sound better than I do.”
“I doubt it,” I tell him.
When he goes back into the closet, I head back to the bedroom I stayed in last night but stop suddenly as an idea hits me. This could be my chance to get Nick’s mind off what happened earlier and I could spend more time with him.
I backtrack to his room and he’s already dressed in black jeans paired with really badass shit kickers. He looks delicious. Absolutely drool worthy.
“Take me,” I blurt and feel an answering pull in my tummy at the look of raw desire reflected on his face. Now’s not the time, Kafui, I scold myself.
“I mean take me to the festival. I want to check it out,” I clarify.
His eyes trail slowly down my body and it feels like a physical touch that I almost expire on the spot. This guy really should come with a warning label, I suck in a sharp breath looking away from him. I look down at my shirt and heat suffuse my cheeks. Well his shirt. The shirt falls above my knees and my nipples are trying to poke a hole through it. I bring my arms up to hide them feeling my face burn brighter.
“Oh, I don’t have anything to wear,” I sag in disappointment
“I can call Stella to bring over some of your stuff right now if you want.”
“My stuff? They’re here?” I ask in surprise.
“Yeah. Stella must have had them put in storage,” he shrugs looking unsure.
“Storage?” I parrot blinking in confusion.
“Of course. Stella said she cleared out your dorm apartment so she must have had everything brought to the island,” he tells me just as his eyes go blank.
What’s wrong with him? I walk up to him but he doesn’t even blink. I wave a hand in his face but still nothing.
Is this like a shifter thing? Freezing in the middle of an ongoing conversation? Hmmm. Whatever. At least my cloths pieces are okay.
I hadn’t wanted to think of what might have happened to them when I’ve been brought here but now I feel the weight on my chest disappear. I’d thought I’d lost them.
Oh God, my Kente.
How could I have forgotten my Kente. I chew on my lips in worry feeling like a horrible person. That had been the last gift my grandmother had given me before she passed. Three pieces of the most expensive Kente money can buy. I didn’t even know we could afford something like that until she gave them to me. My wedding gift.
Oh no, no, no. It’s fine.
I rub a hand through my hair in agitation hoping nothing happened to them. I owe this Stella person a debt of gratitude and a whole lot come to think of it. In fact, I owe her my life, if what that doctor guy said is true and this isn’t a prank. My flashes back to the brief time in the hospital and I groan feeling even worse when it hits me.
‘Brown hair' is Stella? And I’d been so cold to her? I am such a terribly horrible person. An ungrateful person. Now that think about it, I do recall the doctor calling her Stella.
“Stella should be here any minute,” Nick's voice snap me out of my misery. Oh. How does he know that? I look up at his face and his eyes are focused now. What had he been doing earlier?
“How do you know that,” I ask him in suspicion.
“I called her,” he says tapping his temple.
“Oh.” Of course. They can communicate with their minds. What’s it called again? Telepathy. Yeah that.
“Are you okay?”
“Who, me?” I say my voice a little high. “I'm perfect.”
The sound of the doorbell ringing echoes through the house and I jump in alarm at the loud sound.
‘Get it together. You’re making me jumpy too.'
‘You,’ I growl in irritation. ‘Nice of you to drop in.’
“That’s Stella.” He steps out of the room and turns back when he realizes that I haven’t moved from my spot. “Are you coming?” he asks softly.
“Not the way I’d like at the moment,” I mumble.
“Sorry, what?”
“Nothing,” I say quickly. “Quick question though. Stella, what is she?”
“A nightmare,” he replies looking over at me quizzically. “Why? Something wrong?”
“No,” I shake my head with a wan smile.
“Okay, let’s go.”
In my mind I’m asking myself how you face your saviour after you were so damn rude. But she makes me more than a little uncomfortable with her blank emotionless eyes so let’s blame my attitude on that.
I’ve been in a room unconscious with a demon. Oh God, this is going to be painful. I sigh and follow Nick downstairs.
Chapter 8
“Stella, thank you for coming,” I nod taking the box away from her and step aside to let her in.
She steps inside hesitantly looking around nervously and wringing her hands. I wait for Dani to enter before closing the door. I walk over and set the boxes down on the coffee table in the living room.
I see Celia step out of the kitchen with a tray of two glasses of what looks like cranberry juice in it and set it on the table beside the boxes. She picks up a glass and takes a deep breath before turning around to face Stella.
Stella hesitantly steps more fully into the room and Celia holds out the glass to her. Her hands are shaking a little and I frown. What’s with that?
Stella takes the glass, a little smile spreading across her face even though her eyes still remain vacant. She takes a sip of the juice and sighs nodding appreciatively.
“This tastes really good and spicy,” she hums draining the glass.
Celia gives a nervous laugh and waves it off. “Just something I learned from my grandmother, it’s nothing special.”
Then silence descends and they look around awkwardly avoiding each others face. Oh God, this is painful.
“Uh…umm…I…” Celia stutters. She straighten and clears her throat looking her straight in the eyes.
“I wanted to say thank you for saving my life and sorry for the way I treated you back there,” she says pointing in the direction of the Castle her eyes dropping in shame.
How did she even manage to escape through that maze? It difficult for even me to navigate those halls sometimes and I’m one of the best trackers on the island.
“No, it’s fine. I get it,” Stella says quickly walking over to set the empty glass on the tray and she turns back around to face her. “It must have been a lot waking up in a strange place with no memory of how you got there.”
“But it still doesn’t excuse my behavior. I’m sorry,” she says her eyes downcast. I look over at Dani and she’s shuffling awkwardly on her feet at the door looking like a deer caught in the headlight.
“No need to apologize. I’m just glad you’re okay.”
I stare in surprise as Celia pulls Stella in and hugs her. She must have really like her if she’s initiating this. I’ve noticed the way she avoids touching the others and how she’d move out of the way on the street to avoid touching anyone. But it always makes my heart beat faster the way she steps into me to avoid touching other people.
Stella stands in shock, her eyes wide for a few seconds before she wraps her arm around her too. I see her body visibly relax and the worry around her eyes overtaken by a relieved smile. Celia pulls away from her and takes both of her hands in hers.
“If ever there’s anything that you need, don’t hesitate to ask me.” Stella nods the smile still on her face. Celia smiles in return and my heart starts pounding in my chest at the look of happiness on her face.
Damn, she’s beautiful.
“Let’s get to the Hall before the whole place becomes packed and we don’t find any seats,” I finally say breaking the silence trying it best to stifle me.
“Oh okay,” Celia finally turns to look at me. “But I still don’t have anything to wear.”
“I brought you a couple of things until I can get the rest moved here,” Stella points at the boxes on the table. “Or if you prefer an apartment building close to the Castle, I can see about securing one for you?”
A growl rents the air and I step menacingly toward her at daring to even think to move her out of our home. A home I built with my own bare hands. It took me two times the usual time to finish drawing the plans for this place and even longer to build it than any other project I’ve ever worked on because I wanted it to be perfect.
“It’s fine, I like it here,” Celia says quickly stepping in front of me. “You can move them here.”
“Are you sure? I just thought you might be more comfortable with your own space now,” she says cautiously eyeing me skeptically and then back to Celia.
“Yes I’m sure,” she nods quickly, scowling at me when I try to move around her to strangle the woman in front of her trying to plant ideas in her head.
“You can move in with—”
“Oh, I didn’t see you there. Hello,” Celia says suddenly walking over to Dani. Dani looks both ways before pointing a finger at herself with a look of surprise. Celia’s tinkling laugh fills the air and she nods at her.
“Sorry, that was rude. I was so focused on apologizing to your friend, I didn’t see you there. Here have this,” she hands over the other glass of cranberry juice to her after pulling her over to the coffee table.
“Okay, I need to get dressed so we can go.” She picks up the boxes from the table without a wince as if they weighed nothing.
“Are you guys going to the festival too?” she asks turning to Stella and Dani. I rush around the couch to take the boxes away from her but she dances away from me. I carried those boxes from the door to the table and they were quite heavy. She scowls at me and I glare at her.
“I can carry them, I won’t break.”
She turns to Stella who looks amazed. She looks between us before her gaze settles on Celia. She’s really turning me into something.
“So are you guys going?” Celia asks again. Stella nods and Dani joins her.